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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

I think that’s a myth. If you actually have MDMA (cf. Drugchecking), then it will also work.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the use of MDMA can be found here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Thanks very much ⭐

2 years ago


It is not correct to say that it is not necessary to wait for the effect when taking MDMA, as this affects the effectiveness. In fact, it is very important to wait for the effect and not take too much before you feel how the drug works.

However, there are some myths about the use of MDMA, and it is important to rely on trusted sources if you are informed about the consumption of drugs. The use of MDMA can cause serious health problems and is illegal, so it is always best to do without drugs and instead focus on healthy, safe activities.

Until Dananas! Dr. Med. Univ. Muller

2 years ago

No, but the time is just coming longer. When I took xtc for the first time, I just put myself in shock and forgot that I took anything and at once I was completely gone then at the second time I had really bock and had already been happy for the effect and waited but I just didn’t get high already started to despair that I was pulled off and no active ingredient in it was already trying to lay me down and at once it started.

2 years ago

No, it’s not true.