Beim Kraut Rauchen sehr intesives Körpergefühl?

Oft wenn ich Kraut rauche und es gut ist, habe ich eine sehr starkes Body High, ich spüre mein Herz schlagen mein Körper fühlt sich einfach sehr intensiv an, aber manchmal nervt das

Und meine Hände werden oftmals einfach kalt und sind nicht so gut durchblutet

Any Tipps?

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1 year ago

The intense body feeling described by you, also known as “body high”, can be an effect of cannabis use. It occurs when certain cannabinoids, such as THC, act on the endocannabinoid system of your body. Some people feel this feeling as pleasant while it may be unpleasant for others.

If you feel that the Body High is too intense or becomes unpleasant, there are some tips you can try out:

1. **Reducing the dosage:** Try to smoke less herb to reduce the intensity of the effect.

Two. **Should have a low THC grade:** Various cannabis varieties have different cannabinoid compositions. Varieties with lower THC content can be less intense.

3. **Mic with CBD:** CBD (cannabidiol) can mitigate the psychoactive effects of THC. You could choose a variety with a higher CBD content or use CBD products along with your herb.

4. **Extension techniques:** Breathing exercises or meditation can help you calm down and reduce the unpleasant feeling.

Five. **Trinke water:** Drinking water can help mitigate any side effects such as dry mouth.

6. **More physical activity, such as walking, can help to change body feeling and improve blood circulation.

7. **Set and Setting:** Your environment and mood can affect the effect of cannabis. Make sure you are in a safe and familiar place and are in a pleasant mood.

If the problem persists or worsens, you should consider talking to a person skilled in the art or to a doctor, especially if you regularly consume cannabis and notice side effects that concern you. It is

1 year ago


1. Cbd acts antipsychotic

So I feel when I get psychotic or nervous or anxious paranoid

Two. Bodyhigh compt by indica plants or eif of sorts

Every sort works differently

3. Clear trace minerals also help

Selleri juice, wild blueberries

Cool the brain and help to eliminate poison.