Beim Klavier alles extra lernen?


Also ich habe vorhin ein TikTok gesehen bei dem jemand auf dem Klavier mehrere songs zusammen getan hat, ist schwer zu beschreiben. Also er hat verschiedene Song-teile gespielt und mit einem Übergang ist er zum nächsten song gewechselt. Ich wollte fragen ob er denn alle songs einzelnd gelernt hat oder lernen musste, oder ob man sobald man eine Melodie im Kopf hat sofort diese auf dem Klavier spielen kann, wegen dem Notengefühl?

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2 years ago

I have been playing piano for 7 years and would have to learn each song individually, or only the excerpts from the different songs that I then really play at the end.

But there are also people who can play after hearing, so they listen to a song which notes occur in it. But for that you need either an absolute hearing or a very, very, very much exercise. I couldn’t do that, for example.

Mathmaninoff, UserMod Light


with exercise the melody is enough. The chords are also felt with some exercise. You can learn different patterns in advance and then take the appropriate one.

You can actually think about yourself in advance and write down what you play, or you can also improvise.

There are also techniques for transitions, in particular in the case of a change of tone, there are modulation techniques to perform this change as gently as possible. There are rules that match chords well.

The whole thing is practically like building blocks that you can learn in advance, and then you put them together.