Beim GV keine Chanceauf eine zweite Runde?

Ich M27 verheiratet seit 8 Monaten, hab seit 3 -4 Monaten das Problem dass ich keine Chance habe auf eine zweite Runde. War zweimal beim Urologen, angeblich sollte alles passen aber hab immerhin das gleiche Problem. Es wird einfach nicht hart für eine zweite Runde, und hab ein taubes Gefühl. Hab die ganze Zeit auch kalte Füße. Die erste runde läuft sehr gut bloß die dauert nicht lang genug. Kann mir jemand helfen?

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11 months ago

You have to get a lot more loose. And your tension; To have to deliver everything up and down on the whistler, lets you get scratched so that it just has to go wrong. If any pressure is taken from you, and the tension allows you to be ready for a second possibly even 3rd round without erection problems. However, your partner must also be sensitive and accompanying.

11 months ago

I’ll get the pimpanels back when I read that. You go with a problem to the urologist who finds nothing and then just lets you stand because he cannot look over the edge of his subject area.

I am a woman and can write to you that the lower area, sex organs, bladder and urinary tracts are connected to the LWS. Only a small pelvic slate that you do not notice can lead to such problems.

A friend of mine came after he got an artificial hip, even there the urologist could find nothing.

Now you have to look for alternative cure methods, I can advise you to a chiropractor and an osteopath who look holistic.

Another possibility is that it is psychosomatic, that the thought you would have to “sleep” yourself under pressure with the resulting loss fear.

11 months ago

If you had a problem,

  • Being a father?
  • To change the diapers at night, perhaps a smiling child?
  • Perhaps to experience that your wife could be more mother than a woman?
  • Your spare time as a man could suffer from all this?

If you have such thoughts in mind, maybe that’s a reason why it’s over again after the first time.