Beim Frauenarzt die Pille verschreiben lassen?
Hallo, ich würde gerne die Pille zur Verhütung nehmen möchte aber eigentlich nicht das meine Eltern davon erfahren das ich schon Sex habe.
Müssen meine Eltern einwilligen damit ich die Pille verschrieben bekomme da ich noch minderjährig bin oder geht das auch so?
Hi :-
If you are uncomfortable with addressing this issue to your parents, which I can understand very well in your case, then of course you can also make an appointment with the doctor alone and go there alone.
How old are you when I can ask? Generally, your doctor must adhere to the medical confidentiality as soon as you are 14 years old, i.e. he will definitely not tell your parents anything. Only in case of emergency, he is obliged to inform your parents. But only if you are in danger of life, for example, or have a bad disease that would bring treatment. But I think it’s not gonna be the case with you.
Make sure you are legally or privately insured. If you are legally insured, the billing will take place directly via the sickness insurance fund. With private insurers, your parents will get the bill. That would be an important point.
You should take your health insurance card on the day and, if you want, a note with questions that you would like to ask your doctor.
If your doctor assesses you for responsible and mature enough, he will surely write the pill without any problems, as well as without your parents’ consent.
I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂
Absolutely any medical intervention or drug use involves risks or has side effects – even as banal, everyday things like blood collections, anesthesia at the dentist or just the antibabypille.
Therefore, any treatment requires the consent of the patient.
The basic prerequisite is that the patient was properly informed about the upcoming procedure. For whoever does not understand what it is about cannot agree to it either. Therefore, the doctor always has a duty to inform the patient.
The effectiveness of the consent to a treatment does not depend on the viability, i.e. on the ability to conclude contracts independently, but – according to the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) – on the fact that the minor “after his spiritual and moral maturity can measure the significance and scope of the intervention and his burial”.
The minor must therefore be able to carry out an independent risk assessment. The start of consent is not bound to a minimum age.
The necessary spiritual maturity is generally assumed from 16 J.
If a patient is between 14 and 16 years old, the doctor will at his own discretion decide who can refuse or agree and, if necessary, wish a consent from a parent.
It might be easier to just turn to your mother. Even if you have a “right” on mysteries and the undisturbed and incompetent discovery of your own sexuality, just talk to her again. She was young, and she’s probably not as naive as you suspect. She thinks her part and probably brings more understanding than you trust her.
And the alternative to their understanding, namely a higher risk of early pregnancy due to less reliable contraception methods or, at worst, no contraception, is certainly not tempting for your mother.
So if you feel mature enough for sex, you should also be mature enough for a conversation about contraception with your mother.
Happy for you!
From 14 onwards, my FA without permission of parents… unfortunately, could have saved so much
Be aware of what a strong drug you would take with it daily, which is enormously involved in your body and hormonal balance, harming organs, and there are actually no studies as the pill affects minors – because studies on minors are prohibited
At least as safe to prevent hormone-free by NFP according to sensitivity plan or copper variants (copper spiral/-chain/ball)
the pill will move you from 14 until I know
As long as you’re 14 your parents don’t have to get along with it, from 14 you can decide if you want to take the pill or don’t have to agree with your parents
About 14