Beim Einparken gegen ein Auto geditscht?
Hallo, ich bin heute morgen vor der Schule beim Einparken ganz leicht gegen das Auto hinter mir gekommen. Ich habe nichts erkennen können, außer eine kleine Delle im Kennzeichen. Ich weiß nicht, ob diese überhaupt von mir stammt, aber abstreiten will ich es nicht. Da ich auch zum Unterricht musste, habe ich einen Zettel mit Telefonnummer und Namen hinterlassen. Ich bin auch in der Pause immer wieder hin, um zu gucken, ob der Halter kommt. Als ich das dritte Mal gucken gegangen bin, war das Auto weg und es hat sich bisher keiner gemeldet.
Nun ist meine Frage, ob ich etwas zu befürchten habe oder ob der Halter den „Schaden“ für zu unwichtig hält.
Small touches of another car on the bumper often have no effect because bumpers can spring it off. However, it is not to be excluded that the holder of the other vehicle will make a shaft therefrom. You should have informed the police. They would have told you on the phone how to behave. You stayed at the “unfall place” and didn’t escape. And you should have taken pictures. This may have a ugly afterplay because you are now standing there without any evidence that no damage was caused by you.
You could only prove that there were no further damages, provided that the driver is now in damage.
But you can’t prove if there was a damage before.
I took photos fortunately
But then the holder would at least have to contact me if he wants to make me trouble.
A note is also a driver’s curse.
Here you could have missed a little time of your teaching time and let the license plate go through the secretariat.
That’s how I did it when a car stood doof and I touched the mirror. No car had something at first sight, but I wanted to go on number safe because the other had an electrically adjustable and foldable mirror.
There was every understanding for and the owner came fast.
A mirror is something other than a license plate
But since the damage was not documented by anyone, the other holder can now damage you. You did everything wrong in any case. A note has no legally binding effect and is always considered to be a driver’s curse. If you had to inform the police, it would have been a day of damage, time and place.
Yeah, but you don’t see if he did. Did a sensor get anything? Many cars have park sensors in the back. Is the license plate holder broken (which would not be so expensive)? Or is even a screw broken through the bumper?
There are just too many ways that could have happened.
The note can be removed from any person. For example, I could go by and take it away. Therefore, call for a better alternative.
If the other one still doesn’t come, you have to call the police.
Nothing else I mentioned in the previous statement.
You always have to inform the police. They then decide whether they come or not or say what he has to do. The fact is that only the call to the police is a legally binding message. Neither note nor “trials” are of any relevance.
Police inform or at least let the owner first call. If he doesn’t come, you can still inform the police.
They don’t even have to go to the accident site to record all the data if the holder reports.
Hello Ariana
Hope you’re okay.
I think you’ve done the least. Because to call the police for a little damage is disproportionate. Maybe the note hasn’t noticed yet or fell down on the ride.
Did you take photos?
Maybe you can ask in the secretariat of your school who owns the car.
If anything ever comes to you, just explain.
Love greetings
When I rolled into another car many years ago, I left a note. The young woman came to my job and we clarified it. A few weeks later, we were a couple. :- Not very long, but it was very nice.
Hello, so thank you very much 🙂 there has still been no feedback and the note has also been placed on the driver’s side in an extra eye-catching manner and also regularly looked at whether the holder is coming and whether the note is still there. And yes, I took pictures 🙂
This is also a funny story:D
Best regards
We don’t know?!? If he didn’t look at the note as an advertisement and thrown away, he’ll probably get in touch…
We had a note in the garage a few weeks ago. I almost threw him away or wiped away with the windshield wiper, was almost on the highway. I’ll get out again, left around the car, bumper was pushed out. Once press, klack, back in. On the one-door ride I thought, “the guy got lucky.” Then I thought if it was pushed out to the left, it must be pushed in somewhere. Arriving at home, I look right-to-right pressed in plus no squeezing in the plastic. Now our car is still top in terms of lacquer and body, so I thought I’d let this make about smart repair that it doesn’t cost poor chewing so much.
Pustekuchen. Under the bumper one of the brackets was broken away and the complete bumper must be replaced. KV: 1.360 Euro. for ne externally visible dent in plastic, which was as large as a peas.
Conclusion 1: You don’t always see everything.
Conclusion 2: Hanging on the note and driving away is the driver’s curse and can give you serious trouble. If I wiped our note 5 seconds later, and then I would have seen the damage at home, I would have been stupid. Then I would have called in the garage for video surveillance, and if the guy had been remedied… Have fun.
Yes, of course, but I really went back very slowly and you really don’t see anything except a mini-delle at the front plate, where I don’t even know if it can come from me at all and I placed the note extra strikingly
It really doesn’t matter if you see anything. You tapped the car, and it is up to the vehicle owner to investigate his car for damage and to invoice it to you / your insurance. Maybe you’re lucky and it’s really nix, but there’s your assessment of a look over the outside of the affected place.
The fact that you have moved away also prevents a match between you and the holder. What do you want to do, for example, if the one right now makes a big scratch in the spot to replace the bumper? You can’t even go to the police because you’re still on the run for the driver…
Sure, that’s all extremely thoughtful. The guy will report when he has the note, and usually you can talk to other people.
I did extra photos
I have bad luck when he goes to the police, but normally you should be able to settle this and a friend has also wanted to show someone about the driver’s curse, but since the damage was too low, they didn’t do anything