Accidentally reported when blocked on WhatsApp?
Hey. I wanted to test something for my dad and accidentally reported him during the blocking test 🥲 is that a problem?!
Hey. I wanted to test something for my dad and accidentally reported him during the blocking test 🥲 is that a problem?!
The first picture is standard bright and the second picture is where the apps are also dark..
Hello, I've been looking for a specific email provider for a while now that has at the end. Does this sound familiar to anyone or do you know how I can find it? Thank you in advance
Früher: (schaut auf die Views) Jetzt: Es geht alles voll ins Minus :/ Ich habe nie irgendwie gegen die Richtlinien verstossen oder so wie bringe ich den Weg?
Servus, Ich habe in letzter Zeit das Problem das meine Instagram reels alle ein bisschen nach links verschoben sind. Ich habe die neuste Version von Instagram. Man sieht es auf dem Bild gut beim Profilbild unten links.
I read an email too late and now claim that it ended up in my spam folder and I missed it….
I want to check if the speedometer on my scooter is accurate
Not bad. Now the Mark is allowed to go only to your chat procedures to make sure that the message (not) is justified.
Okay, thanks.
Yes, as long as nothing violates the Terms Of Service, nothing happens.
However, now all people from Meta Support have free access to your complete chat history. I wouldn’t be so partying in person.
The last 5 messages 💀
Oh, yeah. Didn’t load the picture. But I think differently earlier.
As long as there were no bad news there was nothing to happen
No, no, no, no, no, no. Keep normal vater conversations 😅
Then nothing should happen
Yes its account is blocked