Beim B Führerschein dabei trotzdem A1 machen?

Hallöchen, ich bin 17 1/2 und bin gerade dabei meinen Führerschein der Klasse B zu machen, würde aber total gern auch A1 machen.

Kann man das irgendwie noch dranhängen? Bei A2 bin ich mir unsicher, da ich eh nicht wirklich über die Straßen brettern möchte. Da kann sich meine Meinung ja aber noch ändern..

Bin ziemlich im Zwiespalt :/

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1 year ago

First of all, your driving school would be the right ASP. Depending on how far your theory is advanced, you may still be able to integrate it. For the A-Class, 4 (double?)hours are packed with motorcycle-specific content. For the theoretical examination, you would then get another question package, with questions that are also motorcycle-specific.

And then do 2x practice. Once car and once motorcycle.

You can only answer your driving school if this is still to be submitted for registration to your competent driving station.

1 year ago

definitely don’t make a2…priced a big difference anymore…you can go bigger and expand later, or you can get 125 ger as you like…but believe me, once you first have licked blood you want to quickly get something bigger and then no problem

1 year ago

If that’s what I’d do to class A2.

1 year ago

Let’s go

You do B, the A2 is better for you, so in 2 years you can do the big A. is open class only with the practical ascent test

1 year ago
Reply to  Michelle2002xX

that would be practical in case 1 theoretical – 2x.

Ask the driver if you can track the class, no idea.

my uncle can’t ask