Bei wem Tinnitus verschwunden?
Hatte wer schonmal einen tinnitus der nach wochen oder monaten wieder verschwunden ist?
wenn ja wie?
Wäre sehr dankbar für hilfreiche und positive antworten
Hatte wer schonmal einen tinnitus der nach wochen oder monaten wieder verschwunden ist?
wenn ja wie?
Wäre sehr dankbar für hilfreiche und positive antworten
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Hallo, Ich habe ein kleines oder größeres Problem. Und zwar hat mein einer Molly ein etwas dickes und trübes Auge. Sie schwimmt viel an der Wasseroberfläche. Ich behandelt gerade gegen Verpilzungen etc. ( mycopur). Genau der gleiche Fisch hatte auch Flossen Faule, daher habe ich das angefangen. Was kann ich für den Fisch jetzt tun?
Hallo zusammen Ich habe heute beim Duschen nach einer Wanderung plötzlich an zwei stellen auf der Haut ein Kreuz entdeckt und ich weiss nicht was das ist. Ich hoffe die Bilder sind gut zu erkennen Vielen dank schon im voraus für die Antworten. Unterhalb vom knie Auf dem Fuss:
I signed up for your question extra, as I was about. 2-3 years the same problem as you probably had. I want to take the fear but also be realistic about the tinnitus.
I didn’t know the reason for my tinnitus and tried to get rid of it again, I assume that it could also be time for stress, wisdom teeth, (nall trauma) but also possibly due to a cold and subsequent ventilation disorder. As you have probably read, the reason for the tinnitus is often barely to understand. I’ve been crazy in the many months when I had the tinnitus and I was afraid that this one would get chronic. At least this was often communicated in the forums so that the tinnitus becomes chronic after 3 months.
Due to the permanent fear that the tinnitus did not disappear I landed into a derealization (anxiety condition).
The fact is that I have taken measures and went to the HNO several times (cortisone therapy). But also for physiotherapy in order to loosen tensions of the neck muscle. In the end, I still let myself draw the wisdom teeth, as it can be that this can be pressed on a nerve in the jaw area.
I don’t know what it was at the end, but I completely got rid of my tinnitus after exactly 9-12 months. It is important to remain calm and to address the matter. Even if there was no cure at the end, I’m sure I would have been able to cope with my tinnitus at some point.
The 3 month period for a chronic tinnitus is therefore taken. Don’t worry, and at least believe that it can be better after a year.
No, I’ve had my tinitus for several years, but different, for example, when I’m cold or drunk, or even when I’m stressed, it’s much stronger, in part it’s so quiet that I don’t notice it or forget it all.
So, I’ve always just got a very sudden pie in my ear, but that goes away after a few seconds
how helpful in an illness (tinitus) can a mental question be for sufferers? like a glass of water in a heart attack?
if you suffer from this, then immediately go to an HNO doctor who can analyse the original and best help you.
I was already at the HNO.
and what does he mean?
Yes my ears are probably tip top…have now physio prescribed as it could possibly come from the neck spine