Bei wem nun krankenversichert?
War in einer BG mit meinen Eltern, als ich Student wurde kam ein Brief der mich aus dieser BG rausgeschmissen hat, weil ich jetzt bafög beantragen muss. Mich wundert nun nur wer zahlt für meine KV? Denn versichert bin ich im Moment aufjedenfall noch. Bekomme auch noch kein bafög
If you continue to live in the household of parents under 25 years of age and cannot cover your needs from your own calculable income, there is still a right to citizens’ money in the form of an increase.
The contribution for health insurance could then be further paid by the Jobcenter.
Should You can cover your needs from your own calculable income and fall under 25 years from the BG community of parents, you could be insured with your family insurance free of charge via a parent at his sickness fund.
This was done in a school education or studies max. until the completion of the 25 years of life, otherwise until the completion of the 23 years of life.
If you get Bafög, a certain amount would also be included for your student health insurance if a free family insurance would not be considered, or the contribution would not be paid by an increase from the job center.
The parent-resident spouses are not excluded from the civil money. Therefore, they could be (free) sick insured. Otherwise, family, student or voluntary insurance would be possible as statutory health insurance. From the bafög, there is a regular almost cost-covering grant to possible contributions.
You’re probably still family-insured about the parents.
But a letter doesn’t have much strength to throw.
And a student’s work also places the contribution for the cashier on the table.
A scholarship holder also, a pity that your application was rejected.
Even if you get BAFÖG, you can still be family-insured if you don’t have 23 or 25 are.