Bei welcher Staffel am besten mit Doktor Who anfangen? (Die neue Serie)?

Ich liebe Doktor Who und will die Serie meiner Freundin zeigen.

Sie hat aber eigentlich keine Lust drauf XD

Deshalb muss ich sie direkt überzeugen.

Welchen Teil sollte ich ihr zeigen? Mit welcher Begleiterin? Mit welchem Doktor?

Hab damals selbst mit Amy angefangen.

Mein fav Teil ist der mit Clara aber ich weiß halt nicht ob das so ein guter Einstieg ist.

Und Staffel 1 kommt nicht wirklich in Frage. (Ihr gefiel das aussehen vom Doktor nicht hahahhahaha)

Please help guys

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3 months ago

Then start with Staffel two if she wants another doctor.

Otherwise you can also take one of the consequences that lie between seasons, such as where the doctor travels alone.

De facto, I think it’s going to be a follow-up. I’m thinking about which one of them has the best music, but it’s probably the same.

“The Christmas Invasion” is certainly worth seeing, but some see a little from the doctor.

“The Runaway Bride” is certainly worth seeing with Donna and the doctor, but I am personally in the episode somewhat too little content.

“Voyage of the Damned” has iirc good music and good plot. You can look at that.

At “The Planet of Death” I just don’t know if there’s something happening inside. A lot of desert.

“Water on Mars” I think I was a bit darker, but I’m really sure I’m not right now.

“The Next Doctor” is funny and addresses some relvant plot elements. But it may be a bit confusing, but that should not really fall into weight.

And so on. There are other good Christmas specials.
But I would probably choose either “The Next Doctor”, “Voyage od the Daned” or “The Runaway Bride”, then you won’t start too late.

I think I started somewhere in the fifth season. But as a starting point, this is not really suitable. Unless you like horror, you have quite good consequences with “The Beast Below” and “The Time of Angles/Flesh and Stone”.