Bei welchen Jobs ist eine Zusage sicher?
Ich bekomme nur Absagen für Kassierer, Warenverräumer, Gastronomie, Tourismus, Hotel, usw.
Ich bekomme nur Absagen für Kassierer, Warenverräumer, Gastronomie, Tourismus, Hotel, usw.
Momentan investiere ich mit 70/30 in den Msci world und emerging market. ich überlege mir noch in den indien und s&p500 IT sector— etf mit jeweils 5% zu investieren da ich sehr zuversichtlich bin das diese in zukunft stark steigen. Mit stärkeren renditen oder ist das nonsense Was denkt ihr?
Hi, Ich habe bereits meine Ausbildung als mediengestalterin abgeschlossen, bin jetzt auf jobsuche, da ich bei meinem ausbildungsbetrieb nicht weiter arbeiten wollte. Ich habe aber das Gefühl ich habe in der Ausbildung gefühlt nix gelernt was den praktischen teil angeht. So von der Berufsschule her und die schriftliche Prüfung war gut hab ich mit nem…
Welche Stadt wirkt für euch großstädtischer und wo würdet ihr lieber hinziehen – und warum?
Hallo zusammen, habe heute eine 50 Cent Münze als Rückgeld erhalten, hierbei ist mir aufgefallen dass die Rückseite farbig ist. Konnte darüber nichts im Internet finden. Hierzu etwas bekannt ? Grüße
Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es mit Fotografie als Hobby, sich ein Nebeneinkommen aufzubauen? Ich bedanke mich für jede Antwort im voraus.
There is no real “safe” commitment. This may apply to a dishwashing service in the gastronomy. But in a proper training job, that’s not gonna happen.
If you only get cancellations then there are a maximum of 3 factors.
factor 1 ;
The application documents or the content of the application are not good enough
factor ll;
you have too high ideas, for example
to enter immediately with the top of the wage, which you will only receive after 2-3 years etc
or factor lll;
One could not convince rhetorically in the interview, e.g. has answered admissible questions badly.
Do you have any completed training or something? This would be helpful if you wanted to work at the supermarket.
If you don’t have finished training, that would be a good step.
Wherever sought, and in many places even a three-legged monkey would be put on, if it only came to the pedals in public transport. There’s even the driver’s license usually paid to you.
It is sometimes stressful and the services can be special but the salary is OK and public service is always good (even if you are looking for an apartment etc.)
My life is complicated and chaotic:-/
Certainly, commitments are made with cleaning companies to the minimum wage.
No, not even there
I said “ciemlich”
Ah, thanks for the hint 👍🏻
unfortunately not even quite. As soon as you have a slightly higher degree of professional qualification, you will be rejected because you only want to bridge and cancel at any time.
Keep trying the jobs. Gastronomy and hotel are actually looking for everything. Otherwise, of course also teachers etc.
You must have studied for teaching.
Correct. But I am not exactly informed about the conclusion of the questioner.
If you are permanently rejected, the problem is usually you!
Maybe you have too high demands or utopian ideas about the job or things around.
Maybe it’ll help you get a coaching on the job.
With us in the area the sellers are looking in the nice,Rewe , Bakery,Metzgerei .
At Metzgerei, apprentices, chefs, cleaning services, salesmen
For bakeries always parttime sellers, no matter what.
We already have the error:
“Part-time”, that’s worth 0.
In no application, a commitment is 100% secure and we employers have certain ideas from our applicants.
I’m sorry, but if you’re just getting cancels for these jobs, I don’t know. You don’t even have to be able to do anything for that.
I don’t know why
Just ask. Maybe you’re lucky and there’s someone a hint 🙂
There must be something to your application documents. There is no 100% commitment if you don’t have any trouble for the documents. Normally, companies are looking for such people because of skill shortages, but they are not looking for any, but decent
They know you’re going as soon as you find a better offer.
Is everyone like that?
Yes, but the low-wage workers just want “reasonably cheap exploitable human material”