Bei welchem berühmten Anime haben alle geweint, außer Ihr?
Man kann auch allgemeiner sagen, er hat Euch nicht berührt, im Gegensatz zu den meisten Leuten, obwohl Ihr ihn eigentlich nicht schlecht findet.
(Ich gestehe, mir ging es z. B. so mit Your Lie in April.)
In the anime movie “Your name”, however, probably also comes from the fact that he was one of my first animes (with Pokemon,Haikyuu, Toradora etc) and I hardly understood the movie at the end:”)
At Naruto, I never cried at Iraya’s death. Although, when I think about it, I always had to cry with Konohamaru when he flew on his feet.
That’s what happened to me:
Because of popularity, I had hoped more of the anime.
The last lightworms and Your Lie in April.
I had it Angel Beats! and Plastic Memories.
The last glowworms. Something I must have missed 🙅 ♂️🤔
anohana and plastic memories
demon slayer at the death of Rengoku
Avatar the last Airbender