Bei Narkose-Formular lügen?
Ich muss mir meine Weisheitszähne entfernen lassen und muss für Narkose (Vollnarkose) so ein Formular ausfüllen. Dabei will ich nicht ausfüllen das ich rauche und kiffe, weil das sonst meine Eltern erfahren. Kann ich dabei lügen? Ich probiere es zu vermeiden aber wenn ich es nicht alleine ausfüllen kann, kann ich dann dabei lügen?
Rauche so gut wie jeden Tag
Und kiffe jede Woche bis jede zweite Woche einmal, allerdings erst seit kurzem
You have to talk to the anesthetist. Do you think your mother’s going? Ask in practice who does the anesthesia and let you give the phone number or even better, make an appointment and talk to the anesthetic physician or the anesthetic physician himself
No, you should stay with the truth, or do you care about your health?
If you smoke and cuff it then confess to your parents. At some point it will come out anyway;)
With this, you should remain in your own interest in the full truth.
The main purpose of this form is to determine the compatibility and dosage of the anesthetic.
If you consume drugs, your body is also set to these cell poisons and you need another dose of anesthesia medication. You don’t want it to come to complications during the anesthesia or the dosage applied does not work with you and you get consciousness during the operation.
The doctors are bound to their obligation to remain silent and such forms are confidential – yet I would recommend you not to hide anything like this from your parents. Sometime this always comes out and then the relationship with your parents is broken.
You shouldn’t lie to the doctor, no.
If you don’t want to write it, then leave the points unfilled. Then the doctor must ask in case of doubt if it is relevant to him.
If you lie, the anesthetic will be incorrectly dimensioned, and you will get everything.
Do not need to be, but any known risk should be excluded
Be honest with filling, everything else can go back. That’s what’s going on, so you don’t get hurt. If no one knows what else is in the body, you can’t be helped seriously!
You shouldn’t lie.
Smoking is important to the doctor with regard to your lung function and whether it has to pay extra attention to certain values so that your oxygen supply is always properly guaranteed.
Honestly, if your parents have a nose… then they know you smoke.
It’s a general anesthesia. Something that can kill you. You should be honest.
The questions are there to ensure your health. So no, you can’t lie.
Then your anesthesia may not work properly. That’s your problem.
How should your parents know what you filled up?
If you want to risk your life (which is not so unlikely in this case), then of course you can lie.
If you want to wake up healthy again, you should tell the truth.
Cannabis can affect your brain activity, which can react with anesthetic agents and cause complications. For teeth, you don’t need expensive general anesthesia.
Right, actually, you don’t need them. But everyone is different. Even I have a phobia against splashes, especially those with the dentist, so I have an attest and in individual cases the KK pays for general anesthesia or sedation
The health risk is a hundred times higher in case of general anesthesia than in case of a syringe.
All right, if you have a phobia, you don’t care. There are people who were not with the dentist for years, for example
How should your parents know
If they might be there