Bei Nackenschmerzen zum Arzt?
Hallo, ich mache seit 1 Monat mma und bjj, und habe dadurch starke Verspannungen im Nacken rechts, schmerzen in der hinteren Schulter rechts, im Bizeps irgendwas gezerrt und im rechten latissimus mittlere schmerzen. Bringt es da was zum Arzt zu gehen, weil Schmerzmittel brauch ich nicht, und bekomme eine Überweisung für physio nicht bezahlt oder? Außerdem sagen der Arzt wahrscheinlich, ich soll nicht trainieren. Oder bringt es mehr zum sportmediziner zu gehen?
Hello Ichbims…
Physio, you’ll get paid if you have an instruction
from the doctor, you need to pay.
As far as the neck is concerned, you should naturally look for the cause
and also apply there, e.g.
If you have all morning HWS problems?
Or due to failure during long sitting on the PC?
Since when exactly did you have this problem?
With or without pain?
If you go to Orthopaedic, you may also
help with a syringe – so please contact the doctor!
always happy and good
opi venerable
If you’ve been doing this for four weeks, give your nem body to get used to it for weeks. Then the complaints go away from themselves
Hello! Many orthopedists come from active sports – just right
I know the problem. Sometimes it is just a certain exercise that makes such tensions. For example, this is too many chimneys.
Get so-called horse-salve ( horse balm) . Get in the pharmacy or cheaper but equivalent in the drugstore. It often works quickly and effectively. Voltaren is also good.
It won’t get better, doctor. Since sometimes a targeted syringe in the neck muscle is not painful
I wish you better.
Thank you
Of course, there’s something to go to the doctor and he tells you what you can do about it, maybe you’ll get physio.
Orthopaedic/Chiropractor would be recommended.
Do you have to pay for it yourself? You don’t have money, am Azubi
You’re a health insurance company, as an apprentice, anywhere. It only asks how far you can go directly to a specialist without transferring your doctor. (If you want to go directly to a surgical and orthopaedic specialized trauma surgeon, it might be possible to clarify with practice whether you are an acute accident patient or whether you need an appointment and possibly a referral of your doctor.)
You’re sick as an apprentice.
But perhaps the orthopaedic
Chiropraktik counts in statutory health insurance (GKV)