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1 year ago

Look into PayPal’s mail, it’s up to when they rebook and make sure that as soon as possible enough money is on the bank account (plus the fees for the unresolved first debit).

I personally wouldn’t transfer money to the PayPal account, because you don’t know how long it takes.

And remember that PayPal is calling for a balance of your data on the next order.

1 year ago

PayPal makes a debit attempt, and if it fails, then still a single others.

And if he fails again, their collection service will KSP and you don’t really want to.

You can also do the following:

Click: How can I deposit money on my PayPal account?

In addition, you might need to add a credit card to ensure future payments.

This is also interesting:

Click: Getting Started

Oh, yeah, you’re hopefully Yearly, right?