Bei Magenspieglung erbrechen?
Ich habe morgen früh eine Magenspieglung, leide aber an Emetophobie (Phobie vor’m Erbrechen).
Ich habe starke Angst davor, etwa wegen der Spieglung erbrechen zu müssen.
Ich glaube, ich bekomme eine Sedierung während der Spieglung, damit ich nichts spüre.
Könnte ich wegen dem Mittel erbrechen? Die Ärzte wissen bereits über die Phobie bescheid.
Liebe Grüße
Hey, I’m sorry for Emetophobie myself and I can calm you down a little. A few years ago I also had a stomach pieglung with sedation and it was all without complications. Of course, there may also be side effects, but usually the sedation will be well tolerated, so there really is nothing happening 🙂
Thank you very much, I hope I won’t feel anything like that.
I’ll print you the thumbs 🙂
That sounds great:) thanks for the star
Thank you. Get sedation and fall asleep within 30 seconds and wake up again within 30 seconds (was an hour).
I was “just” a bit badly accompanied by strong dizziness. But after an hour it was laid.
If the sedation is well done, you will not feel anything about the investigation or you will “all don’t care.”
A gastroscopy takes place sober, so besides gastric juice there is nothing in the stomach that you could break.
When introducing the gastroscopy through the throat, it sometimes happens that the patients choke (but the stronger the sedation, the less wort irritation).
A real vomiting is really rare, but of course cannot be ruled out 100%.
No. the doctors have everything under control, because they know that they have a phobia.
LG Sky 🌈
You can do this without sedation / anesthesia. I’ve done that.
Feels like a mixture of crush, wort irritation and suffocation. It’s just that nothing comes in while the hose is inside you. And suffocation doesn’t. Gastric reflection is quite fast. It’s not over 5 minutes.
I don’t know what felt more crappy. Intestinal mirroring without sedation is also not as tingling when you touch as the hose moves in you. And intestinal reflection goes longer. It might have been 20 minutes.
Both very unpleasant. But to stop it is already. And seeing his intestine from inside on monitor is also kind of interesting.
But I haven’t met anyone yet who makes this like me with full consciousness. I think most people can sleep.
I’m sure you’d rather sleep before. Then don’t get anything, and sleeps in the meantime. May be 24 hours. No car! And have to let you pick up or take a taxi.
A local anesthesia is usually used. You don’t feel anything. The doctors are tired and you can talk to them about your fears beforehand.
So I did this without sedation because I had to drive after that.
I had a wort irritation at the beginning so when swallowing the tubing. Then no more so, I was told to breathe through the nose that helped and the rake was previously a bit stunned with such a spray.
From vomiting I was far away and I had no pain either.
No, you get the money and you’re gone right away.
You won’t get more.