Bei kleinem shop ebay was gekauft?
habe bei einem kleinen shop ein Rennrad bestellt.
Ich habe dann einen Zettel geschickt bekommen mit der sendungsverdolgungsnummer.
nun ist seit 4 tagen der Status bei: „die sendung wurde elektonisch angekündigt“
was genau bedeutet das jetzt?😅aber er muss ja dad paket in der filiale abgegeben haben oder? Sonst hätte er ja keine verfolgungsnummer?
Hay hay:)
Also ordered some of ebay.
The status [electronically announced] indicates that the package is at the parcel service. The broadcast number has therefore been announced for you. Now it takes a few weeks, depending on where it comes from.
The longest time I had to wait for my package was 4 weeks a month.
Oh, thanks to:D
That’s wrong. Nothing was sent.
“From eBay” you can’t buy anything. It’s just the platform.
No, not exactly that!
Says: Not sent. Only on-line the parcel certificate created.
The package has not yet been delivered.
This means that a parcel note has been created. The consignment has not yet been delivered or picked up by the shipping service provider