Bei Kälte ständig müde?
Hallo Leute, und zwar bin ich öfters am Bahnhof und warte auf meine S-Bahn. es ist halt oft extrem kalt und ich merke dann, dann bin ich extrem müde könnte einschlafen aber sobald ich in der S-Bahn bin oder generell in warmen drin bin, dann geht es wieder und ich bin wieder wach woran liegt das? Weil ich habe trdz 8‘stunden schlaf
In the cold season, you are usually tired and slapped because your body may produce more melatonin and less vitamin D.
Turn on the light
We tend to have it rather dark in winter. But just in the morning you should turn on as many light sources as possible to start the day. Even artificial light can be useful if it is only bright enough.
Exercise relaxation techniques
Meditation or mindfulness exercises can help you reduce stress and sleep better.
Take a warm bath regularly
Relaxation pools can help you to reduce your stress and sleep better at night. This also applies to herbal teas or essential oils that promote relaxation