Bei der kälte aus dem Bett kommen?
Guten Morgen
fällt euch schwer bei der Kälte aus dem Bett zu kommen mit dem Wissen dass ihr bald raus müsst ?
Bei uns ist draußen -1 und ich habe so was von keine Lust aus meinem Bett rauszukommen und dazu noch bin ich müde und will weiterschlafen, geht’s euch auch so gerade ?
Dito – vacation is out, it is black and cold outside and inside.
Bääh. I’ll make some coffee.
To wake up, I built a system of light and radio with a timer – but that doesn’t make it better.
Even so, the holiday is over and it is on Monday… Abartig und cruel 😫
You can never say that to yourself…
Good morning, that’s the concern that many people put at this time.
No, I don’t care, in the bedroom, it’s not -1 degrees.
In the summer I wake up in heat, which is also in the bedroom, much more unpleasant.
In addition, I am generally not a morning man and first need a few minutes to wake up, in which nobody should bother me (children and babies excluded), but that is independent of the weather or the brightness.
Jap goes like this almost every weekday.
In cold, I better get out of bed
My problem is that my temperature sensation is strongly coupled to my fatigue, which is of course the highest shortly after the rise.
LG Finn
I don’t care about the cold.
The “sleeping” is also the case with me – you go to bed late and get up early.
I’m in from outside, I’ve been around for a long time with dog Gassi at 4:00, and we’ll be asleep right now, but I know that very well. I feel the same ðŸTM‚
It’s warm inside. There are wake-up lamps that become quite slowly brighter and simulate the sunrise.
I really like to go early around 7 equal shopping my jacket is nice cuddly warm
Of course, with us are -7 degrees. And I have to go cycling, write a job and have lunch school
No, I don’t think it’s hard.
No! I got up this morning at 5.30 a.m., out there were -4°, I grabbed our dogs and went with them Gassi!
Poor dogs.
And between warm bed and -1 in front of the door you have nix in the apartment as intermediate?
Keep going hot showers…
Then stay best and continue to sleep 😴 😅
Jaaa same even if I don’t have to go out and sleep soon :3
We are in the east -5 degrees