Bei der Geburt Stuhlgang?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe jetzt schon oft mitbekommen (nur durch Videos auf Social Media), dass es während der Geburt bzw. während dem Pressen meistens dazu kommt, dass Kot mit ausgedrückt wird. Die Hebammen schweigen dies Tod damit die Frau nicht in Unannehmlichkeiten kommt.
Da man social media nicht so glauben soll frage ich mich jetzt ob das wirklich passiert wenn ja wie oft? Immer? Selten? Manchmal? Nie?
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Danke für jede hilfreiche Antwort!
Of course that can happen.
And it is also not “deadly”, but rather thematized in the preparation course.
In the past, women often have received an entrance by default to facilitate birth, then of course there is no longer a stool.
But honestly, if it happens, it’s happening.
It happens in most cases, because by pressing it cannot be prevented.
In the hospital, this is captured by a bag. At home, the midwife pays attention to the fact that it’s being removed right away. And of course you don’t talk about it because it’s embarrassing, but it’s already told women that they can’t take care of it, because otherwise they don’t dare to press.
Also in the bathtub? Doesn’t that float up?
As far as I know, an inflow is made in the case of desired waterbornes, so that precisely this is avoided as far as possible. But if not. then it will be quite obvious.
It can happen, but it doesn’t have to.
It happened to me.
This isn’t going to be dead, it’s just not being said if it’s not just being asked.
It won’t be dead. Of course, there’s something coming out when you press.
This has nothing to do with “poor”. It is so normal that it is not always mentioned separately. You don’t say it’s getting bright in the morning, do you?
Just because DIR hasn’t known so far doesn’t mean nobody knows about it. I’m pretty sure it’s not like that. And basically nothing is there. There are some documents. If what happens, the top position is quickly removed and is good. You have something else in your head than your own. To care for the chair….
I also took it from the videos. When women explicitly ask for it, it seems to be said no and it is simply quietly removed to save the woman inconvenience
Ask what? Whether this can happen in principle or whether it actually happened to them?
In the first case, it would be ridiculous to negate such a thing. In the second case – well, what brings you the knowledge of whether it happened to yourself? And how do women know that this answer has not been voted? Because they mean getting something else? Then they wouldn’t have to ask…. This employment with their own excretions has almost something compelling. It can happen, there are professionals that tick with the shoulders and do not notice anything more consciously, finished…
This usually happens when you haven’t got an entry before.
Many women don’t even get it.
Even in the case of imperial cuts it always happens.
Yes, of course, but dead-mouthed isn’t going to happen. It is addressed in a preparation course.
If enrollment has been made, the birth does not last so long, no baby cot can push out.
If it happens, it will stop and it will be eliminated. Done, done. Main thing child healthy, mother and child well up, as far as possible _ after the effort.
I got a toe cocktail beforehand with castor oil and had quite diarrhea. So until it was time to squeeze out with a kid, there’s been no chair out there for a long time.
From the logic, you’re pushing a woman like stupid, you can get a chair out. You can’t control that.
Yeah. My wife did this at both births. It is very fast and fixed. The midwives know this and react very firmly without saying anything.
It happens with most women. Yes is the same “musculature” that is claimed when pressing.