Bei 3000 netto welches Auto würdet ihr euch holen?

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Ich verstehe bis heute nicht wie sich alle so teure Autos leisten können!

Man sagt ja ,das Auto soll höchstens 3 Monatsgehälter sein.

Da das Durchschnittsgehalt bei ca 3000 netto bei Männern und bei Frauen bei 2500 netto liegt würde ja auf der Straße kaum was anderes als ältere Golfs oder halt etwas was unter 10.000€ kostet zu sehen sein.

könnte mir das jemand erklären ?
wie die das alle machen.

danke schon mal im Voraus

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3 years ago

I think there is no rule. Many cars do not fit the driver’s purse completely. The one still sees it as a status symbol or as a hobby, the other buys the car that is suitable for its intended use and looks at the price and the maintenance costs.

A large mass of the cars on our roads are probably “foreign-funded”, for example, I would not be there.

3 years ago

Who says that the car shouldn’t cost more than 3 months?

No one wants to keep his salary in the repair of an old car.

I earn much more than your information and drive a Golf 7 Variant.

I bought this as an annual car a few years ago and have to use it many years ago…

My husband and the kids are doing this just like…

3 years ago
Reply to  turnmami

What are you doing professionally? Do you have a high position or good tax class?

3 years ago
Reply to  nele12522

I have tax class 4. Just like my husband… the rest you can think of.

3 years ago

Good to know.

3 years ago

If you earn a lot less, you take 3 and 5. Otherwise only 4/4 goes for couples. 4 corresponds more or less to Stkl 1

3 years ago

Isn’t class 4 bad? So I’m single, I think 5 is the worst. Is 4 good when both work? I heard the 2 or 3 should be good, mostly when a partner works and the other (mostly the woman) is at home, so housewife.

3 years ago

Not at all.

Some people like to spend a lot of money on the car and expect it to be nice, talk about the “pay” themselves and that they need it. Well. Lives a big industry.

3 years ago

We need 4 people in 4 different directions in the morning. We live in the village and have very bad bus/rail connections.

Therefore we drive 2 Smarts and 2 Corsa.

3 years ago
Reply to  Realisti

That public transport is so miserable outside large cities, is wanted by politics, this country is a car country.

3 years ago
Reply to  nele12522

I don’t think that was seriously planned. That would presume that plans would have worked. Rather, I think that the routes were unprofitable and therefore simply removed from the bus operators, on the grounds: Will or does not need any! Passengers have certainly not been asked.

3 years ago

So one thing: the average net salary is €2084, which I think is much more realistic than your €3000. If you look at most new cars, they are either leased or financed by credit. A very small part of the new car drivers pay the car immediately. The least have 30-40000€ times so just lying around to buy a new car

3 years ago

If you save money instead of buying everything on pump, you can afford more. If you finance you pay more and you can afford less.

I personally find an expensive car but also not important.

For example, I have a 13-year-old Mazda 3, but could easily afford a BMW or the like. I just don’t know what this brings me. Instead, I’d rather sell the Mazda, then you don’t get to the idea of driving any unnecessary route by car.

3 years ago

As you have already been told in another answer, you have misunderstood the three monthly incomes, it does not apply to the total purchase price.

But it’s right to ask yourself this question.

Since I do not think of the financing or leasing of a car, I have always saved the money for my cars beforehand and started at the very beginning of my automotive career with cheap used people.

And by now, I can afford much more expensive vehicles. I drove the penultimate car for 10 years. And every month 400 € for a new saved. So a year less than your three monthly income. And the old one still sold for good money.

Then you can afford more than an old golf.

3 years ago

It’s not a problem. Depends on where you live. I’d buy a golf 8 on pump and could pay him off in two years.

3 years ago

They save and afford it or it drives (at many) on rats and not on wheels….

3 years ago

Financial and lease with 3000 net is feasible without any problems.

And yes I could have afforded me a 40000 Euro car if I had not put the money into the house with 1800 net.

3 years ago
Reply to  Melissamarie1

400 Euro Rent + 100 Euro for car + 300-400 Euro for the rest. So 900-1000 euros per month. Now I live in my own house and have tenants, now of course I can save more.

3 years ago

No, I didn’t say I wanted to. I just said I could. My car cost only 4000 euros.

3 years ago

They blame themselves for being mistaken, and they pay off the rusting for years. Cars are the biggest money destroyers. Those who use DB, ÖPNV, taxi and aeroplane like me have spent 700,000 EUR less on retirement. Yippieh.

3 years ago

Why 3 salaries? How much do you like it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Melissamarie1

I’ve never heard of a financial advisor. Then hardly one would have a car for over 10,000€

3 years ago

I started with a used polo, then a golf and then it went on with BMW. Since I haven’t paid any rent for a long time and no credit rates, I have money to save together.

At 56 years I could stop my job and I’m a private man now. Live from my depot and wait for retirement.

3 years ago

It says you don’t have more than 3 months finance I have to. This is also understandable. Your Credit for a car should not be higher.

Many pay their car but also without a credit because they have already saved the money.

I’ve never received a loan for a car. Now I’m driving a BMW for about $50,000, I would never finance it.

3 years ago

But there’s nothing to say that the car is only supposed to cost 3 monthly arrivals.

There is talk of the rate level and this should not be higher than 15% of your income. That’s something completely different.

3 years ago

Just send me one link. I can’t find anything.

3 years ago

every car of German origin, the 4 mature has a steering wheel and German origin

3 years ago
Reply to  PASCAL3162

What’s a stupid comment?

3 years ago
Reply to  PASCAL3162

Sounds like KdF car, vintage 1938.

It’s probably gonna be a Bobbycar for you.