behindert fr?
Ich denke die welt ist nicht echt. Irgendwie ist oft mein Bauchgefühl richtig oder ich denke gerade das mein Bauchgefühl immer richtig ist aber das nicht stimmt aber trotzdem fühlt es sich so an. Ich fühle mich schlauer als die andere und Wahrscheinlich habe ich auch DID und andere sachen (hat nichts damit zutun) aber es ist halt so das konstant über die welt nach denke zb warum wir leben,unsere welt Probleme und wie ich komplett andere nicht menschlich denk weisen habe. Zum Beispiel Ich bin zu “unmotiviert” oder “faul” mich in der schule anzustrengen obwohl eigentlich einfach ist und ich bin einfach zu unmotiviert weil Meine “Gedanken” konstant eine last ist (ja Das ist mies cringe aber ist halt fr so oder ich bin grad wieder mies behindert und denke mir sowas aus aus keinem grund)
With all the impressions, you should contact a psychologist or at least contact your pediatrician.
People, why is it so widespread that the first point of contact for health/psychic problems is the amateur internet and not the professional?
Was already on a therapy for a year. But half did not want to tell because it is unnecessary and could not tell anything because it is also inexplicable and I would anyway say anyonm at all and then also and I do not want to say it personally.
Yes, now, if you expect a psychologist to be able to help you or make a diagnosis without your entire input, then you’ve just cut yourself.
Therapy does not mean that you are putting yourself in front of a psychologist, who then largely reads your thoughts and summarizes the appropriate treatment for you.
How important various information is, you cannot know as a layman. When you go into therapy, you should be honest and trust the therapist and admit competence, otherwise the therapy does not use anything.
Instead of telling anything or concealing certain things, you could say that there are things you don’t want to talk about. And then you get back to another conversation with the therapist.
He will evaluate what is relevant to your narratives and what is not – this is part of his job for which he studied.
So half I could also tell, but I don’t do because I don’t know the followers and I’m just pretending them badly. And of course, I can explain everything, but this is how to implement that which also understands with my mind is difficult and complex. And the rest I don’t want to tell because this is also “peinlich” for certain reasons
It’s more normal.
real .