Behavior of elephants? Head swaying back and forth and trunk with
What does it mean when an elephant swings its trunk back and forth and also moves its head?
Is that a sign of boredom?
It’s certainly not a good thing. I recently saw a report on the keeping of elephants in Cirus Krone, where it was reported how wrongly they are kept.
Many thanks for any answers.
PS: If you know any good websites where the whole behavior of elephants is described, please feel free to post them. Websites against cruelty to animals and the keeping of animals in circuses or parks are also welcome.
Yes, all elephants in captivity! Not only in the Circus but also in the zoo!!! If you were in Africa you will have clearly seen that they don’t make it there!!! But when you come to India you see that every elephant with small ears makes almost every free minute!!! And if you want to know more about the Circus Krone, all dressages are based on the natural behavior of the animals. And yes in free nature elephants also make a head stand or male!!! In the Circus crown, the elephants are also chained, which has nothing to do with being treated in common!!! They are only chained to feedings because elephants are the animals with the largest fodder envy!!! That means they would trample themselves to death!!!
But if you now ask why there are so many videos against the Circus Krone on You Tube, that’s because they’re against Circus. And Krone is the GREAT EUROPE and you could start well. But crown is really a Circus of good animal keeping can prove!!! Other Circusse not!!!
I hope I could help you
You’re right, he’s the biggest circus and he’s doing it. I hadn’t thought about it yet.
I think they have to be chained. You put dogs on the leash, and that’s not like animal torture. It just bothers me that the animals are also beaten and you hear them scream.
Are you sure? Because the videos show something else, so…
Thanks for your answer, dear Elphie. ;
There are also other circuses that can prove really good animal husbandry and how Krone wants to be brought from the market by animal welfare organisations like the PeTA!! These include bsw. Circus Charles Knee, circus Jonny Casselly, circus Renz and circus Probst!! So please, there are no claims that only circus crown can prove species-friendly animal husbandry, because there are also other circuses that can keep this as well, and prove it!!
The “back and forth swinging with the head can also be seen in horses. This behavior is called hospitism. It arises when animals who normally live in groups are kept individually. It may also be that one is not sufficiently concerned with this animal. I have this behavior with one of my horses. The animal was kept in a narrow box only. I have the horse for over 7 years. It lives in a small herd with 5 other horses. As soon as it comes into his box (nights) it begins to “weave” .
It’s called “weaving”, it’s a stereotype behavior.
Somewhere, however, I had read that it also makes elephants in a free nature and it does not necessarily have to be sick, but I am not sure.
Evtl. I’ve been sitting on a bad news at the last sentence. Here too, elephants do not do this in nature:
God poor animal. Who only treats animals like that? A wickedness. Thank you, I haven’t had the word as an answer.
I have heard more often, and it seems to be proven that elephants develop mental problems in captivity. When they swing back and forth, they imagine how they are in the wilderness on hiking.
It is best to avoid circuses and zoos. Elephants have nothing to seek in captivity!
Thank you.