Treatment for Cushing's disease?
Good morning!
My 20-year-old Shetland mare has Cushing's disease, which was diagnosed about 1.5 years ago. At first, she had no symptoms except for a bout of laminitis, which I thought was caused by her frequently wandering off to the neighboring meadow and gorging herself. My vet, however, believed this was a concomitant symptom of Cushing's disease. I should give her half a tablet of Prascend daily, along with some stall rest and anti-inflammatory injections. After six months, several alternative veterinarians and online resources advised me against the medication, as it was said to have a severe impact on her kidneys and liver. So I stopped using it, and she has been symptom-free ever since. For about five weeks, however, she has had extremely curly winter fur, her eyes are watery, and she is otherwise very weak. Now my question is, should I give her the medication again, or are there herbal or homeopathic remedies that might help her? I would also be very interested to know how you work with your Cushing horses, how old they are or have become, and how you handle this diagnosis.
Best regards, Melly
There is unfortunately no other way than to give the Prascend as prescribed, if you should continue to live reasonably in horse!!!
You can support phytotherapeutic or homeopathic NOTES, ABER only after consulting a corresponding doctor.
Every case is different because hardly 2 horses have the same history!
Encourage metabolism with some Rainfarnbluetes, CAN be a way to stimulate excretion with gold rod, rinding and sheep’s yeast is another way.
My Cushing Ponys need physiotherapy daily, one very special for the back, the other for the legs.
So get you professionals ZUM PFeRD, everything else is coffee substitute reading….!
A warm-blooded horse known to me has been getting this drug for about 10 years and was fully recoverable until mid-20. At the age of 27 it is still easily ridden in the terrain. Despite the drug, it has to be carved several times a year, making a good ceiling mangement necessary. However, you do not want to increase the dose of the drug because of the burden on the internal organs. Obviously the horse is living quite well with this compromise.
Why do you use a drug prescribed by the TA without a backslash, just because you heard what?
Some side effects are to be accepted as they are absent from the main disease.
Our horses here all don’t live normal, so the liver damage is already included in the normal attitude. There is hardly a horse that has really clean liver values.
You should take full advantage of all 3 pillars of treatment.
The animal is definitely treated.
The deer is probably a episode/symptom of the Cushing! Just like the coat or a coat change disorder. In addition, muscle loss, weakness of performance, loss of seizure, recurring infections and wound healing disorders are quickly added.
All this naturally creates further suffering for the animal and is not better if you simply do not treat it – on the contrary!
Therefore, please let your horse handle and regularly control the TA.
My Felix got the diagnosis Cushing 2015 with 19 years after two deer strokes 2012 and 2014. He’s a Shetty Rocksh Mix, 1.15m. Felix gets 1 tablet of Prascend daily and transfers it well. He doesn’t go on the pasture, but on the paddock, gets, besides hay, only milk-free and chalk-free power food and no leaks and only rarely a small apple. He’s still running diligently in front of the carriage and you don’t notice his 23 years.
You can’t just put the drug down like that. You have to keep going until the TA says you can drop it. Take the drug back in feeding, it will help your horse.
So, despite the TA’s order, you’ve put off the drug – and you haven’t done anything I understood now? Nothing herbal etc.? Feeding?
Prascend is THE drug in Cushing. I know a lot of horses that do well with our old Norwegeromi.
What you’re supposed to do, you have to decide – if I were you, I would get the TA, confess and give the drug after its dosage! And note the recommendations for posture and feeding!
Off topic, but I myself have been having a bad disease for some time and get violent drug cocktails against it with bad side effects… but I would refuse this, however, I would probably not be sitting here anymore… sometimes there is only the choice between evil and evil. Nothing to do is not an option.
Hold on to the vet and not to lay people. Or incapable THP. I won’t be…. I’m so horrified. If you stick to these bad advice, you lose the Shetty.