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So I have had the experience that sons of mothers and fathers will be preferred to make these seemingly never mistakes, to forgive them everything, to get them praised for everything, to be supported in any situation… while daughters should be quiet and inconspicuous, to be guilty of everything and to be most pleasing to see themselves how to master their start into self-employed life.
However, I assume that this “extreme situation” is rather an exception and parents usually love all their children the same, whether they are boys or girls.
If I had kids, I’d like to trade them in the same way.
I can’t confirm that. I rather believe that the younger siblings are “privileged” regardless of whether they are young or girls.
well, that’s why I write that I assume that this “extreme situation” described by me will be rather an exception ^^
Of course, you can’t confirm what I had to experience and I wouldn’t want these experiences anyone else. In our family relations, women and girls were absolutely worth nothing… and this sick idea came mainly from the father. My mother has supported him for a very long time because she has not seen any way to escape this situation.
But I also believe that younger siblings are probably easier. The older children are probably often invaded in the role that they should move forward with a good example, and thus automatically the impression that the younger are preferred.
I think I’m bullshit.
I have a daughter I love about everything and I can’t imagine that I’m going to prefer a son who might still come. I’m pretty sure I love all my kids and treat them like that.
I have two siblings, a brother and a sister, and I never had the feeling that someone was preferred.
No. Usually parents treat all their children well.
I have never heard the parents treat their children differently from a serious point of view.
Never heard the word mother son?
But the mother’s son is not about neglected daughters, nor is it about children being treated “better”.
Much more it is about obscuring mothers who infantileize their children.
I’ve never heard the term “fater daughter” before.
I said from a serious way. This means a scientifically sound background, i.e. no anecdotes or clichés in society, which, of course, is undisputed.
I’m telling you, obsessing mother.
In my knowledge, mainly in cultures where men have traditionally a higher priority.
Originally this has certainly been use, but I believe that the importance has changed greatly over the years.
In my age class, men/boys who enjoy a special value with their mother are also referred to as mother sons. The mother is mainly fixed to the son, and leaves the siblings, mostly these are only girls, largely outside.
All that the son does is great, he can afford everything and nothing and no one is good enough for him. The mother is never satisfied with the choice of partner, because she would love her son only for herself.
This is at least my understanding as soon as it comes to a mother’s son.
No, my mother hates sons.
And that’s the same in her family.
She was the favorite child and my uncle was an idiot.
I had you today as breakfast!
I don’t even know how to taste.
And you just said that because I have a female avatar.
That’s why I’m taking the Lord!
Wheat stick fits well into the muesli, with yogurt/milk, fruits, other cereals and seeds…can you try it out?
As far as the names are concerned, let my username once, had the same problem at that time. 😀
I’ve never eaten.
But all good names were gone.
Meddl, very good