Begriffe Missbrauch?
Wie nennt man es, wenn der Mann in der Ehe die Frau manchmal schlägt und sie schlecht behandelt?
Wie nennt man es wenn die älteren Geschwister das jüngere Kind schlägt und schlecht behandelt?
Es gibt Begriffe wie häusliche Gewalt oder häuslicher Missbrauch oder psychische oder körperliche Gewalt, aber was genau ist es im diesen beiden Fällen. Was ist der eine Begriff für jeweils den beiden Fällen?
There are several viewing levels.
The man is violent, it’s violence.
The woman who is in a situation where she can be beaten more often and is ill treated remains for different reasons. In countries where women are all human rights, they are likely to remain fearful and emotionally abnormal. You can go, but don’t do it over often long periods. The behavior of the man is absolutely wrong, yet the woman is annoyed for how she deals with the situation, she is not just victim, because she can go. The same applies to men who remain in toxic relationships where they are emotionally and physically abused. It’s not easy, it’s still possible.
Missing would be if the man beats the woman regularly in hospital.
On the other hand, domestic violence is already spoken with a small pusher or an earfeige.
Both = domestic violence and possibly abuse
It is physical violence that certainly also has psychological effects.
But what makes domestic violence different from the abuse?
They are not very different. I’d be abused as one longer process that is also violence.