Do you often encounter dangerous situations?
For example, because of people who ignore the traffic rules and think they can quickly drive or run across the railway crossing?
For example, because of people who ignore the traffic rules and think they can quickly drive or run across the railway crossing?
Good day, quick question. I've given notice and had two weeks of vacation, but unfortunately, two weeks before the end of the month and the expiration of my contract, I twisted my knee, so I've called in sick for the next two weeks. Can my employer now stop or reduce my salary, assuming I'm calling…
Hello, A few weeks ago I had problems with my clutch pedal for two days. I drive a 2013 VW Up. I had an appointment at a VW garage and was told (without even looking at the car) that the hydraulic hose, clutch slave cylinder, etc. probably needed to be replaced. I specifically asked if…
Hello. I'd like to travel to Morocco with some friends in January. It would be practical if we had a car, of course. I found some car dealers online that also rent to 19-year-olds, but the contract states that I must have had my driver's license for at least a year. (I don't.) Does anyone…
Can you recommend a real estate agent who can help me find an apartment in Berlin?
Hello. My car needs a new MOT. We took it to the garage for MOT last Wednesday, but unfortunately it failed. New parts (exhaust system) were ordered, and today (Wednesday) it finally passed the MOT. Now for the problem: The car was at the garage all week, which has a sand area opposite where the…
Good morning! When buying a car, the seller can falsify the MOT and MOT/AU. Is there any database where I can look it up? Thank you in advance, Daniel
Tatsächlich nicht so oft wie ich anfangs befürchtet habe. Die größte Gefahr geht von Bahnübergangen aus, denn hier gibt es trotz hoher Strafen immer wieder Chaoten, die meinen sich mit Zügen anzulegen. Auch eine große Gefahr sind jugendliche Mutproben.
Liebe Jugendliche: Auch wenn ihr euch cool fühlt im Gleisbereich umherzulaufen und Bilder zu machen. Ihr habt im Gleisbereich nichts zu suchen!
Moderne Züge fahren bis zu 300 km/h und sind sehr leise. Wir möchten euren Eltern nicht erklären müssen das ihr verstorben seid! Also bleibt aus dem Gleisbereich raus!