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Nervig and not suitable for what it is intended.
So I’m just gonna tear the parts off because I can’t drink differently. The environmental aspect is not obvious to me either. The lid is there, whether “fixed” or not. Is this little boy what holds him not even extra plastic what you could avoid?
I have to say that since this is so “resolved” it happens to me more often that the torn lids are lost when one could screw them up and unscrew them, the very ones stayed on the bottle
Fearable, annoying and impractical. Even if you rotate the opening so that the lid does not hang somewhere in the face, some bottle/tetrapack cannot be closed properly again. You have to go. At the same time I cut off the lid with a small nail scissors (which I only use for it!) and then everything is good again. No peeping or similar!
This is really annoying, I always cut off the lid with the side cutter,
I’ve been hurting myself a few times, that’s a typical smuggling improvement.
Just annoying, fortunately I kept some old lids.
Then the lids do not fly around in the area and do not land in the sea/ocean
I am annoying by these EU education methods; from protest I always cut off the closure with a scissors and throw it separately into the rest of the garbage – if that were all done, it would quickly be over again with the “education”…
finally one of them understands…
There’s something going on…
Very annoying at first, because the lid was disturbed in the face, but I’m used to it in the meantime. Above all, it is nice that you cannot lose the lid
You know, you can turn the bottle so that the lid is on the cheek.
Or cut off.
You always have a knife on the way…
The usual suspects are definitely overwhelmed
Don’t bother me.
No need, I mean, throw the fucking lid away
Absolutely annoying and total nonsense!
I don’t care because it doesn’t bother me so much. Didn’t know that there are people who throw away the bottles without a lid and thus a seemingly big problem was created.
No, there isn’t. Just one more thing to hang people so that politicians can find themselves big and powerful.
The most valuable thing you can steal from a person is time!
I thought a little bit.
When 5 billion people of the earth’s population open and close such a bottle every 6 times a day. And because things are fudden, need for 3 seconds longer than “normal” for it, then when you assume an average age of 75 years, 38 lives are burned every day, for the “more effort” during bottle up and down. Great! If this is the solution, I want to have the problem again! There must be other solutions.
When drinking, the lid often slips downwards, so that you can’t reasonably wash a glass, with smaller bottles it slams over the chin. In addition, when trying to close the bottle, the closure fades very much, so that you have to stick around an eternity to get the thing.
Better would also be a (additional) deposit on the lid.
And also on crown corks (for the right fallout experience) 😂
Just what we need, even more unnecessary pawnings!
Absolutely unnecessary and you always have to watch where the lid is. 🙁
Don’t worry about it.
very unnecessary
I can still understand that policy is looking for ever new approaches for consumers, how it can limit packaging waste (often landed in nature), but the functionality should prevail when pouring liquids or direct consumption from the containers.
It cannot be for the long term that the mouthful citizen, for example, can no longer drink directly from a bottle or pack, because the closure constantly slides in front of the lips, or he can only weigh two-handedly, pour out, because the second hand must hold the closure, only because the respective containers cannot offer producers suitable solutions (or want?)
The G&G 1.5 L disposable beverage bottles are still going, but in the case of new G&G milk packs I get mad and tear this lid off immediately.
If I couldn’t care less, at first, I was just annoyed, but I flew after the first bottle. Such regulations are only necessary because some people do not think further than their own nose.
Total annoying
Absolutely unnecessarily and stupid! Only those who think out where nix have to do meaningful things in life can get some kind of bullshit out and then imagine what it is… The redhead also bugs me completely, I cut off every blanket with the knife or scissors, which is the best one can do :-).
This is nonsense for Germany. The bottom is even the most bottles with pan come with lid I believe the true even over 95%. For this purpose, more plastic waste is also produced, since the connection requires about 0.5/1g plastic.
I thought it was good… But they’re annoying. And whoever smashes a lid away from a bottle like to do it again. I find a solution for beer lids because they’re lying around everywhere
This is the worst invention of recent years and simply unnecessary. Now they’re gonna tear it off and throw it into the environment.
Best regards, Jan
It just annoys me.
In Germany by the deposit system quite unnecessary.
Now the things are no longer in nature.
Yes, I see the meaning, but I find it unhygienic when I drink out of the bottle, and the lid – who could be touched in the store by who knows who – is still there. And I myself would never throw plastic anywhere, I’ve always packed my garbage in a bag and taken home when there was no garbage on the way.
I just find it annoying, always the closure slips down and the drink runs next to the glass. I’m always ripping off the lock.
I asked the question before. I said at the time that someone would have had terrible boredom in Brussels.
Excessive as a crochet.
Polit question? The entire Federal Government must therefore withdraw immediately.
Actually, it is category,food / drinks”. I have added policy because this was decided politically.
And yes, the federal government has to resign. SOFORT!
I got used to it quickly and I find practically
In the past or later, the EU bureaucrats will notice that the bottles and tetrapaks are all without this bullshit in the empties or Trash land because everyone cuts it right away.
I cut them off, effect missed.
You could scrive your fingers or your lips.
Something bad. On the other hand, only the Afd closure helps. Forbid the party and fake.
I don’t have a problem with the aluddosens for decades.
I just think there’s a few Nörglers going around
Did you see the clip?
Hello, Lobsang2024.
It’s really annoying, but believe me you’re getting used to it. 👍😊
Imagine I opened a Granini bottle yesterday, and there the lid is not attached, and it faded on the floor….🤣🤣🤣
Greetings, Renate.