Beeinflusst der Coitus Interruptus die Hormone?
Ich und mein Chef verhüten jetzt seit ca einem Jahr mit dem Coitus Interruptus. Seit ca 2 Monaten ist meine Periode jetzt schon ausgeblieben und ich wollte fragen ob mein Hormonhaushalt vielleicht durch diese Verhütungsmethode ins Ungleichgewicht gekommen ist. Es wäre wirklich toll wenn mir da jemand helfen könnte, schwanger kann ich allerdings nicht sein da wir wirklich sehr konsequent verhüten.
It affects the hormonal balance that you’re pregnant.
Clean answer, more of it!!
Okay, thanks
“However, I can’t be pregnant because we consistently prevent… we have been preventing interrupts for 1 year”
Find the error 🤔😅
No, it doesn’t affect the hormones.
Yes. Even pretty sure.
You’re just pregnant.
No, Coitus is not consistent contraception. 30% chance of success on child.
I would have tipped with almost 50% if “Lustdrop” had already erupted.
Even with ejaculation and generally under optimal conditions one has only a 20% chance of pregnancy.
even in non-interruptus is the chance not so high 😀
I advise you to buy a pregnancy test. This is not a safe prevention!!!
YES, but apparently even adults don’t know what my daughter did in the 6th. School year has already been taught.
Is that a troll question?
If you have unprotected sex for a year, you are pregnant with almost 100% probability.
Coitus interruptus is not a method of contraception, so it doesn’t matter how consistent you practiced it.
it is a troll question, the words “me and my boss” are enough.
There’s nothing there is. Office apears are not necessarily unusual.
The troll questions here are becoming more and more creative. lol
When he breaks off, it doesn’t affect your hormone balance. He’s not gonna happen until the pregnancy is here. This is almost the most insecure method of contraception in the world.
Yeah, that’s what my daughter learns in the 6th. Year of school…
You’re growing up. That this method is absolute bullshit, everyone knows. So it can only be a troll question.
If not: wallpapers the children’s room.