Bee Boss Dropshipping Erfahrung?

Hat jemand Erfahrung mit der Acadwmy Bee Boss ? Funktioniert das wirklich? Habe sehr geteilte Meinungen gehört und würde gerne wissen ob das abzocke ist oder ob es wirklich Leute gibt die damit Geld verdienen

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5 months ago

In principle, dropshipping has been less good for earning money. I know practically the other side, so for a brand, the resellers who also operated Dropshipping looked after. These were both smaller companies and small individual companies. Even with companies with an online shop and traffic, the amount of orders was rather small. There were hardly any chances against Amazon and co.

You should definitely have the following problems on the screen:

  • The most expensive point will be to find or advertise customers, e.g. Google Ads etc. Who does not advertise has no visibility and no customers.
  • Your margin is usually very low and the effort is significantly higher than most aware.
  • Furthermore, such dropshipping products are likely to result in a price struggle that you cannot win as a small seller.
  • You also need to calculate your products accurately and are responsible for returns. This can be very expensive.
  • By the way, you also pay taxes, you need a trade and you need to deal with the legal basis.
  • You should also have the subject of accounting on the screen.

These were just the most important points.

6 months ago

Does that really work?

That you earn a lot of money…

That you are successful after that – of course no

But they will be more rich and much poorer with guarantee

Have you looked at the prices /AGBs and imprint before?