Bedeutung von graue Jogginghose?
Bin meiner Kennenlernphase heute zufällig über den Weg gelaufen und sie hat meine graue Jogginghose komisch angeschaut. Später im Chat war sie irgendwie sauer wegen der Jogginghose aber wollte mir nicht sagen warum? Sie schreibt ist deine Sache. Mann ich bin doch einfach nur ein gechillter Typ der gerne bequeme Kleidung trägt 😮💨
Jogging pants keep acting social. That doesn’t mean that you are, but that’s how it works. The impression is then there and is difficult to get rid of.
Jogging pants don’t belong outside the house. You should be more dressed.
When it comes to color, it probably disturbs the gray certain “body parts” more stressed than black. At least the “body part” is very noticeable for jogging pants in grey 🤷🏼 ♀️
When it comes to color, I don’t know what she has.
If you don’t have jogging pants for sports, it’s often social.
Jogging pants only go at sports or at home.
Otherwise, it looks sloppy.
That’s it.
Well, the jogging pants give you the image of the sleepfi in your sleep.
It’s like you’re mentally still in bed or on the couch.
The spinner in pure form!
Your flame didn’t want to tell you this for loving consideration, but now you know.
Yeah, that stinks here. Jogging pants are just a NoGo. It’s just sloppy.
Edit: In the end, you’ve already fucked it.
Then she is not such a “chilled” type and puts more value on her exterior