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2 years ago

You cut through the wing once. The cut surface you see is that Wing profile.

2 years ago
Reply to  RedPanther

cross your honor, across.

2 years ago
Reply to  milujijazyky

So the plane’s flying across?

2 years ago

As a rough rule of thumb it can be said that driven, whether piston engine or turbine, aircraft have a span length ratio of 1:1 and sailplanes one of 2:1
To determine the direction of flight, the longitudinal axis of the fuselage is the reference system.

2 years ago

Ah, I was mentally at the whole plane.

Where, in the case of a few aircraft, the span is the largest extension, so they would also fly transversely…

2 years ago

Cross to the axis of the supporting surface, This is the usual reference direction in a wing because it is the largest extension of the wing.

2 years ago

The wing profile of an aircraft is the shape of the outer edge of a cross section of the wings. It has a very special shape in order to be able to generate buoyancy by air circulation. A support surface profile is usually curved at the top to the outside and slightly curved at the bottom to the inside. Details lead too far here, get close to Google.

2 years ago

This is the flight rig cut through longitudinally.

There are very flat wing profiles, such as the F-104 Starfighter, or high wing profiles, such as in commercial aircraft.

2 years ago

The cross section of the wing. So up there were almost horizontal downstairs.