Bedeutung der Kunstakademie in Dresden?


ich muss wie oben steht die Bedeutung der Kunstakademie Dresden für Dresden herrausfinden… kann mir jemand vlt gute Seiten(am besten mit link) zeigen oder kennt sich jemand damit aus?

Ich freue mich über jede (sinnvolle) Antwort

LG Alex

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3 months ago

Meaning of the Art Academy in Dresden

The Art Academy in Dresden, officially known as the University of Fine Arts Dresden, has an outstanding role in the German and international art scene. Here are some key points about the importance of the Academy:

With more than 250 years of history, the Dresden Academy of Art is one of the oldest educational institutions for visual arts in Europe. It was founded in 1764 as a “main art academy” by the Wettiner; since 1680 there was a “drawing and painting school” as a precursor.

Historical relevance

  • Founded in 1764, the Academy is one of the oldest art colleges in Germany.
  • It has produced many important artists and architects who have shaped the cultural heritage of Dresden and beyond.

Influence on contemporary art

The Academy has a significant influence on the development of contemporary art in Germany.

Many graduates are active in the art scene today and contribute to the innovation and progress of art.

The Kunstakademie Dresden: A center of creativity

Dresden and his Academy of Arts:

11126 Kunstakademie Dresden – Archiv Sachsen

3 months ago
Reply to  AlexLeax


3 months ago

A city that appreciates art, houses an art academy in its walls, rises in the value of every educated manner. Berlin’s in Weißensee, Hamburg in Buxtehude, etc. have acquired a reputation that goes far beyond the borders. A legacy of August the Strong, also King of Poland, who began to expand Dresden into a world city, his role model Ludwig was the 14th. What I have never understood is that the heavy-duty town of Magdeburg, whose arts and crafts school, in favor of an engineering school, is closing. Whoever turns the neck of art, I call it a barbarian.

With more than 250 years of history, the Dresden Academy of Art is one of the oldest educational institutions for visual arts in Europe. It was founded in 1764 as a “main art academy” by the Wettiner; since 1680 there was a “drawing and painting school” as a precursor.

History – University of Fine Arts Dresden

3 months ago

I would call there once and ask your question, they will be willing to answer your questions or recommend someone you could ask.