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2 years ago

Hi, that’s what it means.

You have a month’s driving ban and can start within the next 4 months.

The monthly period begins when you have issued the driver’s license.

2 years ago

you can still operate your running stores .. so also nen month trucks or something. At the latest after 4 months, you will have to leave. If not, the then does not apply but the driving ban is extended.

For example:

you give off after 40 days. Then you must not drive between 40 and 70 days after writing. (i.e. practically taking annual leave within the next 4 months). This means that no one should have consumed their annual leave more than 4 months before the end of the year (i.e. at the end of August). Holiday in Septermber-December is better:-)

you’re leaving after 180 days. That’s more than 4 months. Then you must not drive between 4*30 = 120 and 180+30 = 210 (between 120 and 210 days) after writing. So this behavior only brings you an extension of the driving ban and a penalty if you are controlled after the 4 months.

2 years ago

Yeah, you’re right.

If you’re smart, you’ll give off the bill in February – then you’ll only have to give up for 28 days.

2 years ago

Within the 4 months now have time to volunteer for 1 month otherwise obligatory after the 4 months.

2 years ago

well recognized, this is the time limit in which you have to submit the FS.

2 years ago

Yeah, since you didn’t do anything before. So you have the choice of which month you give it off