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3 years ago

“3-Day ticker starts the next day”

The days start counting down starting the 
next business day after it gets into the UPS System, so a package mailed on a Wednesday would start counting from Thursday.

A 3-Day order placed on a Wednesday would really get the order to the customer by the following Monday.

When I notice an order placed on a Wednesday, I usually email or call the customer to let them know about this. I should be keeping count, but it seems like about 7 out of 10 times, they’re unaware of the “3-Day ticker starts the next day” rule and usually are grateful for the notice

Allbusiness -3-day-Ticker misunderstood

Beginn der Zählung ist also am nächsten Werktag. Was du an einem Montag aufgibst, sollte spätestens am Donnerstag ankommen.