Beamtenanwärtergrundbetrag von 1355,68 € – wie viele Steuern zahlt man in SK 1?
wie viele Steuern zahlt man bei einem Anwärtergrundbetrag von 1355,68 € in Steuerklasse 1 ?
Wenn ich in die Lohnsteuertabelle gucke, steht da etwas von 31 €, in Rechnern im Internet aber etwas um die 52 €, was ist denn nun richtig?
You can easily read this from the pay tax table, which also applies to officials.
Yeah, I did. I only found the difference between the table and the computer funny, but now I look at the table. Thank you.
As always, this depends on advertising costs and special expenses.
Try to get everything back on the tax return.
Good luck.
Thank you, do you have experiences?
31,41 € Wage tax
Then I don’t understand why there are 52 euros in the computers. Thank you.