be Quiet – Straight Power 11 Platinium 850W knistert beim Ausschalten des Netzschalters?

Hallo Zusammen,

ich hätte mal eine Frage bezüglich meines Netzteil ich, ich besitze, das wie im Titel genannte Netzteil. Letztens ist mir aber aufgefallen ,wenn ich mein Pc heruntergefahren habe und dann mein Netzteil über den Schalter ausschalten möchte, knistert es. Wenn ich nun den Ausschalter in der Mitte halte also zwischen aus und an, dann knistert es weiter. ( knistert nicht nur wenn ich ihn in der Mitte halte sondern auch ganz kurz beim ausschalten). Beim anschalten ist dass aber nicht der Fall.

Wenn es defekt ist, welches Netzteil würdet ihr mir empfehlen, dass gleiche nochmal? Habe eine geforce RTX 4070ti von Asus TUF und als CPU ein Intel I5 13600k

Vielen Dank für die Antwort

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1 year ago

The power switch on the power supply is not intended to be switched on and off. go down! The capacitors in the power supply still have a low residual current and do not like this especially if you separate them so hard from the power supply. The clinker therefore comes that the switch receives power from both the socket and the power supply. The internal power supply might survive, but you will grill the switch sometime.

1 year ago


what is cracked are the contacts of the small network switch.

You’re ruining them.

Just stop switching off.

Such a switch does not cost 3,-€.

No reason for a new power supply.


1 year ago
Reply to  Lennard698


not first.

Try pulling it with power plugs.

If it’s still cracking, you’ll have 10 years of warranty.

I don’t know how old it is.

But you drove the PC completely down before?


1 year ago

This censor are sounds of

Light arcs (mini flashes).

If this also occurs in power plugs,

then this can indicate a controversial damage.

Use the manufacturer warranty.

Finally, the power supply was expensive enough.

I hope you’ll find the receipt.

In any case, write the serial number,

if someone comes to the idea

to send you the same part back.


1 year ago

…. it can be a thermal relaxation, at least make my power supplies even if they were required before….


1 year ago


Daa sounds like a contact problem at the switch that doesn’t open clean and you have sparking in it.

Just stop the switch. I’ll use him at least who I screw on the PC. You can just hang a multiple socket with switch in front of it.

1 year ago

I’m about to. 1.5 years exactly bought the same power supply. Mine doesn’t crack when you turn it off at the power switch.

So could be a hint of bad manufacturing in your product.

1 year ago

Did you plug in the power cable? I have the same power supply with 1000 watts and don’t hear anything. I would have recommended the 1000 power supply.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lennard698

Do you have any guarantee? I’d write to the support. Normally, I don’t find it because I don’t have it myself.