Bauchschmerzen, sobald ich in der Schule bin?

Die Frage steht ja eigentlich oben.

Sobald ich in der Schule bin, bekomme ich Bauchschmerzen. Ich weiß nicht wieso. Mit geht es dann immer schlecht. Jetzt gerade wieder. Habe das Gefühl mich übergeben zu müssen.

Was ist das und was kann ich machen?

Danke im voraus 🙂

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1 month ago

That was a rds and probably psychosomatic. Hab at age 😂 then from doc

symbiolact comp. This rebuilds the darmflora. It is often broken by antibiotics etc. The intestine is our second brain with trillion nerve cells. When I took the product, it always went up. Better and better. The metabolism became better, the immune system, and the skin. And the psyche. Can be bought without a prescription. Used as a cure

1 month ago

I had that too, that’s psychic. You don’t miss anything at school. It is important that you create the ESA in the 9th and in the 10th the MSA. So I would advise you to go home and learn things that interest you and you need later. Learn a high income skill and what the capital market is, then you will be successful and not with poem analyses or the phrase of the Pytagora.

Abitur doesn’t need to be a millionaire so think seriously about whether you really want to do this.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lizzzzy2005

Oh, okay, then do a professional. What profile are you in?

1 month ago

Then maybe you’re afraid of something or you’re upset. Do you have any stress through this? For example, I always had abdominal pain before swimming because I didn’t get along with people and I didn’t want to.