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8 months ago

This depends on how or where the doctor at birth removed the navel cord

8 months ago
Reply to  NicoNRW

No, this has nothing to do with the abbey, but only of how the navel snares. The navel itself is a scar with the abdominal wall over a so-called. Navel stem (binding tissue) is firmly grown. Depending on how much connective tissue is created by the scarring of the navel cord attachment, the abdominal beak is flatter or deeper.

8 months ago
Reply to  mhbln

That’s how it was once told me…

Meaning? A lot of snoring flat. Little snoring deep?

8 months ago

Right. The more scar tissue, the flatter the belly button.
In most children, the navel is hardly deepened. Since the scar tissue shrinks together over the years, the navel becomes deeper after a few years.