Bauchdpeicheldrüsenkrebs mit Metastasen in der Leber wie wird die letzte Zeit?
Ich habe bisher in meinem Leben noch nie direkten Kontakt mit der Krankheit krebs gehabt. Ein Glück. Leider hat meine Schwiegermutter (64 Jahre) die Diagnose bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs mit metastasen in leber und Niere erhalten. Das war vor zwei Wochen. Laut den Ärzten gibt es keine Chance auf Heilung. Vor einer Woche wurde die leber punktiert. Seither werden die Symptome (bauchschmerzen,Müdigkeit etc) mehr. Seit zwei Tagen färbt sich ihre Haut gelblich. Seit heute sind auch die Augen gelb. Die Ärzte sagen nicht wie lange es dauern wird. Hat jemand Erfahrungen damit? Wieso werden die Augen und die Haut gelb? Wie wird das sterben sein ?
If this cancer – as you describe – is already as metastasized, it can generally no longer be cured.
As the last stage of life will be exact, no one can know exactly in advance, but a significant improvement is rather unlikely, and the remaining lifetime is probably more in weeks than in (many) months.
It would be recommended to contact a palliative medical institution (e.g. SAPV: ) and, if the mother-in-law wishes, also to a hospice.
Possibly, the treating oncologist has already offered/initiated this?
The common passage of the liver/galle and the pancreas is narrowed by pressure. Galle dyes stow back and must be degraded via the blood or deposited in the skin. This is also a medium-heavy disease; in addition, cancer is still present. Practically, digestion does not work properly and the pancreas can also no longer pass the digestive juices.
The yellow is because the liver is no longer working properly. And this is actually responsible for filtering the toxins from the body.
You can only hope it’s going fast. The last time is never beautiful – no matter what form of cancer. I wish you that this will be saved!
Yellowishness is therefore due to the fact that the degradation products of the red blood dye can no longer be excreted over the bile duct (probably because the pancreatic cancer blocks the bile duct), and therefore the yellow degradation products are enriched in the blood. This is a clear sign that cancer is far advanced.
How long it will take, no one can safely say.
Your mother-in-law and the whole family should discuss with the treating oncologists how the next time for your mother-in-law can be designed as easily as possible. Maybe a hospice could be questioned?
The yellow color comes from a substance called bilirubin. It is produced by red blood cells into the liver, and then excreted into the intestine. If the liver fails, bilirubin collects in the blood and the skin becomes yellow.
The line from liver to intestine goes through pancreas. When this line is blocked (e.g. with tumor), bilirubin collects. It’s called cholesterol.
where the yellow comes from, the user “First Snow” has already written to you…
how death will be, no one can tell you before and it is also better if you don’t know, because it would burden you too much.
I know what I’m talking about, I’ve accompanied my mother with cancer to her death.
Luckily, there is palliative medicine and you will take care of it… no one has to die in bad pain.
Happy to all of you in your family.