Batterie ausgelaufen , ätzend , schlimm?

Hallo, bei meiner Fernbedienung sind Batterien ausgelaufen , mein Vater hat die gewechselt , weil meine Fernbedienung sowieso Macken macht und wir die eigentlich auseinander nehmen wollten . Dann habe ich ( Hypochonder der ich bin) mir Sorgen gemacht ob er mir irgendwie an den Kopf oder so gekommen ist und ich jetzt irgendwo die electrolyte hab.

Ich weiß aber da ich vor einiger Zeit Mal beim Giftnotruf angerufen habe da ich Mal ausgelaufene Batterien weggekratzt hab und mir der Staub ins Gesicht gekommen ist . Dass das eig nicht schlimm ist und höchstens reizend ist.

Dennoch Frage ich hier Mal nach der Meinung von anderen

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2 months ago

It’s harmless, don’t worry.

2 months ago

Let your hypochondria treat, there are therapies against, b you are doing it really nutty logic, logic is stronger than weak panic, because it knows the facts that panic does not, which can only make rumheuls and drama.

I prefer to listen to logic rather than uf drama;)

And she says nix’s happening.

Eat the batteries is not good.

2 months ago
Reply to  Drago562

then train him against this wall of illogical say zb with clear will clipp and clear in your head you know you lie and now listen to me to frightening I can cuckoo I’m fine and then do something else, think about others, focus on other, always again, the thoughts become less extreme, convince yourself.

2 months ago

You overextreme things that you don’t understand, that’s normal that the brain does so, but you have to learn when you have to stop it, a slight disturbance in the blood flow doesn’t make anything but slow blood pressure. As said blood can be fast or slow or just normal if you just sit zb but are awake, with sonic disorder it is usually more slower than it would be normal. That’s all. And how strongly this is influenced per human being differently depends on illnesses and whether one has also the dose and also how or where one takes it, orally is usually uncooler than on the skin.


Doesn’t mean until you can calculate all these strings on your own, which I just enur roughly outline, only then can you understand such reports and I personally read as a metaphorical example no Chinese just to tell me the character scares me, so in some way is your reaction, cuckoo times I can’t Chinese but the word is creepy.

Understand, it really doesn’t make any sense to try to keep this really conscious in mind, you don’t make any sense to keep it flapped.

2 months ago

do you know what bleeding means?

Yes, this means that your blood moves slightly slower zb through the bloodstream, which makes zb nicotine or tobacco smoke. Yes Smokers can become generally old despite disorder of normal healthy blood circulation, the normal healthy blood circulation is not 100% within the framework but possibly to 89 PRozent. understand?

You have to evaluate this in the context and tobacco is more disturbing than much other normal stuff.

2 months ago

Then make it clear that you have zero scientific idea what you’re reading and without any idea can’t even value it meaningfully, you could also read binary code from the Pc.

2 months ago

you will survive it…. short…. but you live