Bass öfter am Tag stimmen?
ich habe angefangen Bass zu spielen und möchte Lieder lernen, doch für manche Lieder muss ich mein Bass neu stimmen. Kann mir einer sagen, ob das schlecht für die Saiten ist, wenn ich das öfter umstimme oder ist das egal?
Vielen Dank im Vorraus 🙂
No, it’s not bad for the strings.
It is, however, that
This is why the question of nem Zweitbass arises when you often want to be clear in depth.
Or you decide. For example, I chose DGCF and that means I couldn’t play certain tabs 1:1. If I were technically better, chromatically safer and less dependent on empty strings and certain anchor points, I would go to CFBbEb or HEAD.
… however, depending on the genre there are simply tasks for which it is absolutely necessary to have the empty strings there or there. This is especially true for reef-oriented rock and partly also metal.
Basically, you don’t have to change forever as a beginner! Start with simple things but clean and without mistake \../
No, it’s not. But what beginners do you have to change the bass? Didn’t happen to me in the complete first beginners band.
So I’m currently learning mascara of deftones or first love/late jump, but I’ve been playing for a month:,)
For example, Katy Perry Roar and Teenage Dream