Basketball auf Gesicht bekommen. Was passiert?

Hallo. Habe vor kurzem einen Basketball in der Schule im Unterricht aufs Gesicht bekommen. Hatte sofort Schwellung an der Nase & neben der linken Auge (wo der Ball traf). Später bemerkte ich beim putzen meiner Nase, dass sie innen Blutet. Habe derzeit auch komische Kopfschmerzen und beim reden habe ich gemerkt, dass es komisch wird.

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1 year ago

If you notice that something is wrong

(strong battle pain, dizziness, confusedness, buckle etc.) then imagine yourself in the not-take.

in the best case, it was a false alarm. But it’s good to close something serious like a concussion or a subdural bleeding.

have you noticed anything else?

1 year ago

Doesn’t sound very bad, but you never know.

Usually it is groundless that nowadays for children what is worrying is to get a ball on the face.

1 year ago
Reply to  speedwag0n

In the moment neurological vulnerabilities occur, one belongs to the emergency room. concussion or even worse subdual blunt🤦 ♀️ better looked too much than once too little

1 year ago
Reply to  Saralarah

That’s true, of course, everything could happen. The likelihood that the asking person is simply so concerned because it is not very active and does not have so much physical experience, however, is much higher.

1 year ago

could be a broken nasal bone – why don’t you make a criminal complaint about body injury?

1 year ago
Reply to  Azoom

Yeah clear full pull in the fress… that was full intention