Barsch hat Guppy gefressen?

Hab die kleine noch vor 30 minuten friedlich rumschwimmen sehen. Danach lag sie in stücke aufm Grund. Ihre Flossen waren vor 2 Tagen auch angefressen aber ich dachte mir nichts dabei weils nur ein kleiner stück des Schwanzes war. Was soll ich jetzt machen?

Im Aquarium sind ca 5 Malawis und ca 5-7 Guppys, und 2 L46 + 1 L333 Wels.

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2 years ago


Well, there’s a Flowerhorn basin and a Arowana basin, so the Guppys won’t survive long.

After you seem to have large to very large pelvis, I am surprised that you hold the ash in a puddle!

2 years ago

Malawis and Guppys what you expect. If the Guppys were simply left in as a feed, it would increase like the plague otherwise soon have a problem. Malawis is always an art pool. If you have a large pool, you can tie up with larger peaceful fishing, but you’d rather read it.

2 years ago

Either you glow your bigger fish the live food or you need an asylum for your Guppys

2 years ago

You seem to be a real expert, but why do you want guppys to the other fish?