Barsch hat Guppy gefressen?
Hab die kleine noch vor 30 minuten friedlich rumschwimmen sehen. Danach lag sie in stücke aufm Grund. Ihre Flossen waren vor 2 Tagen auch angefressen aber ich dachte mir nichts dabei weils nur ein kleiner stück des Schwanzes war. Was soll ich jetzt machen?
Im Aquarium sind ca 5 Malawis und ca 5-7 Guppys, und 2 L46 + 1 L333 Wels.
After you seem to have large to very large pelvis, I am surprised that you hold the ash in a puddle!
Malawis and Guppys what you expect. If the Guppys were simply left in as a feed, it would increase like the plague otherwise soon have a problem. Malawis is always an art pool. If you have a large pool, you can tie up with larger peaceful fishing, but you’d rather read it.
Either you glow your bigger fish the live food or you need an asylum for your Guppys
Well, there’s a Flowerhorn basin and a Arowana basin, so the Guppys won’t survive long. There’s still the fighting fish.
You seem to be a real expert, but why do you want guppys to the other fish?