Bargeldabhebung wird nicht in der App angezeigt?
Hallo, ich habe heute Geld abgehoben bei der Bank. Normalerweise wird jede Transaktion die ich tätige oder Bargeld Abhebung innerhalb wenigen Sekunden in einer App angezeigt die ich benutze. Jetzt sind bereits mehrere Stunden vergangen und ich sehe nichts… denkt ihr das wird noch erscheinen?
Depends on where you raised the money – at the bank or at another? With the Girocard or another debit/credit card?
No, another bank. With debit card. But normally this is also visible in the app within seconds…
This seems to be a – presumably temporary – problem of the app or the bank concerned.
It would not surprise me if it lasted until Monday or Tuesday.
All right, thank you. I’ll check again tomorrow
The card payment will certainly have been authorized by your bank and thus noted, and also the payment was naturally registered and will trigger a corresponding transaction.
In my view, this is only a problem in displaying the data.
Can’t the transaction have happened? So that the bank does not charge this transaction even though I have received the money? Or will it be updated?