Barclays Kreditkarte Teilzahlung 3% Gesamtsaldo?
Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte gerade die kostenlose Visa Kreditkarte von Barclays bentragen.
Nun bin ich mich der folgende Punkt verunsichert:
Die Teilzahlung ist voreingestellt. Bei der Barclays Visa wird ein monatlicher Mindestbetrag von 3% des Gesamtsaldos (mind. jedoch 30 Euro) per Lastschrift eingezogen. Das Lastschriftmandat erteilen Sie mit Unterzeichnung des Antrags. Sofern ein anderer Prozentsatz gewünscht ist, kann das Lastschriftmandat nach Kontoeröffnung im Online-Banking oder in der App geändert werden.
Was genau bedeutet das? Trifft dies nur dann ein, wenn man ins Minus rutscht?
Würden also keine Kosten anfallen, wenn ich die Karte auflade und nur das hinterlegte Geld ausgebe?
Danke im Voraus! 🙂
Interest will only be due if you also use the partial payment, but you don’t have to. You can also simply make your repayment to 100%, then the total will always be debited and no interest will be charged.
The Barclays is a real credit card with credit limit you use. Right credit cards are not charged and money is deposited. You can pay within your limit and withdraw cash and get your bill once a month. If you pay them back completely, this is free and without interest. If only a part is returned, interest will be charged to you.
I only know from other cards: At the end of the month, not the full amount is recovered, but only 3%. For the rest (= credit), you pay strong interest – usually by 20%.
Therefore, it usually makes sense to make the repayment at 100% at the beginning.
If charging is done here, there should be no need for sufficient credit. It is also not a shame to change. If it gets more.
A credit card always goes down to the minus and then settles over the account.
By default, only 3% will be recovered from your monthly minus. The remaining 97% will be provided to you as a loan at high interest rates.
There are no costs when you set this setting from 3% to 100%. Then the entire amount will always be recovered and no credit will be made.
This does not seem to be a prepaid credit card, but a one with a certain amount that can be consumed, which is then collected monthly in rates from your account. Or did you ask for a prepaid?