Barclaycard Ratenzahlung 0%?
Gerade mal zufällig draufgeklickt… wenn man käufe macht bei Barclay bieten sie dafür ne Ratenzahlung an… in der Übersicht steht ab 0%…. klickt man rein dann 17,99% was dann auch dem ganz normalen wenn man seinen Kreditrahmen länger nutzt entspricht.
Reine Schaufensterpreise oder gibt es die nur bei speziellen Bezahlvorgängen (nutze die Visa vor allem bei ATMs für Bargeld, evt. daher). 0% auf größere Beträge wäre natürlich nice, wobei ich da das Geschäftskonzept nicht kapieren würde.
Wobei generell die frage ist… bei 17,99%, welchen Sinn machen Ratenkäufe da generell wenn das identisch ist mit dem normalen Zinssatz dort.
Right: You should always read the small print(!)! Whoever doesn’t do that taps into traps.
I can’t keep my hand in the fire at Barclays. But I think the 0% are pure cure. If you don’t know, you’ve had bad luck. Exactly: Then it would also do the dispo!
The sense of 0% financing is that you are willing to sell your data. These are still worth a lot! They are sold by Barclays (and all others) to third parties. You have the right to revoke your consent. But who does that? Who already reads the small print and knows that he has a right of revocation of this kind? – I used such a loan once; and I disagreed. I received a letter that I will never get such a loan from this company again…
In this case, it is not about new credits from Barclay but that is displayed in the inventory in the credit card account. Normally, these are also more simply discounts that are given in the form of a 0% financing, but the flat rate does not make Barclay any sense because the fee for the traders is lower than what the interest would bring.
It would be conceivable that there are certain dealers who have the special deal with Barclay when you pay it (why I remember it now) and only there that goes with the 0%.
Generally, the discount payment does not make any sense if the interest rate is as high as the normal interest if you exceed longer than a month… then you can run it normally and limit the repayment to the minimum.
Evt, it really aims at Idotes which do not read correctly 🙂