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11 months ago

Too bad you can’t set pictures or tell something about the clothes, but I think the Barbies will be from the late 80s, these are most widespread on flea markets because they were produced in large numbers. But if it is the original clothing and above all the shoes, you can sometimes get more profits than with the Barbie itself because the clothes were often lost.

The jewellery, orrings, ring and chain is always particularly sought after.

11 months ago

The annual number indicates the formation of the form.

A 1966/1976 Barbie has the body that has been made since 1966 but has been produced after 1976 because it already has the new head.

This was made by Mattel and their licensees.

It doesn’t say anything about age. This was produced in the 90s, but still looked different (other facial painting, other hair, etc.) and was made in China, which did not exist in 1976 or 1966.