also ich hab 2 fragen
1: wie lange kann eine normale banküberweisung dauern ?
2: ich hab geld in einen automaten gegeben der was mit falschgeld gesagt hat das geld wurde aber trotztem auf mein konto gebucht ich glau auch der automat war kaputt weil der auch kein geld ausgeben konnte bei nem anderen automat gings ich frage mich jetzt ob ich da ich genau genug gelt auf dem konto hatte (mit dem “falschengeld” was gebiucht wurde) frage mich auchnoch ob dei überweisung jetz gebucht wurde
One bank day.
2: Is normal with the machines of the Schnarchkasse. But you can use it immediately when it is posted on the account.
Thank you
Schnarchkasse is a very good name, 😀 LG.
If a banknote has not been clearly recognized as genuine by the system, it may be credited subject to reservation. Mostly, the classified banknotes are also real. This is not just the case with the savings banks, but with all payment machines of all banks. They all use the same systems and are subject to the same legal requirements during operation. This is not a suitable starting point for your savings bank phobia.
If you are interested in the topic (classification category 2 and 3), you can read here.
To 1:
A transfer must be credited to the recipient after a bank working day.
It may take a day longer if the transfer was commissioned after the “application time” of the bank and/or by paper transfer. Transport/01_ueverweisungsdauer.html
Question 2 I don’t understand.
yesterday after the conclusion, so can you theoretically last until tomorrow night
Supplement: Saturday is not a bank working day. So it may be credited only on Monday.
Yes, the transfers are usually credited by noon.
dehab 40 euro paid the automat meant 10 of which are wrong money has dei but booked on my account I now wonder if the transfer was made at all because without the 10 euro I would not have had enough money on the account
I don’t know, ask the bank, or look at the online banking